Three Part Series: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
Saturdays, July 13th, Aug. 24th & Sept. 21st Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $35 per person/per session Or pay in advance for all three sessions for $100 Treat yourself this summer to a spiritual renewal as we rest in the presence of God, listening to scripture, psalms, poems and contemplative song. Together we…
Three Part Series: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
Saturdays, July 13th, Aug. 24th & Sept. 21st Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $35 per person/per session Or pay in advance for all three sessions for $100 Treat…
The Measure of a Person
Saturday, November 2nd Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM Facilitated by Patricia Stephens Fee: $40 per person " Have you ever wondered if you are pleasing to God? Do you measure…
Holiday Series: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
Saturdays -- November 23rd & December 21st) Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $35 per person/per session We often hear the holiday season referred to as…
Slowing Down to the Speed of Christmas Joy
Facilitated by Sister Dorothy Schwarz, SSD Fee: $40 per person We are all living in a recklessly fast-paced world. From the depths of our hearts, the mantra "Too Busy" is…
Advent Taize – Evening of Prayer
Holiday Series: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
Saturdays -- November 23rd & December 21st) Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $35 per person/per session We often hear the holiday season referred to as…
NEW BEGINNINGS: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
(Saturdays -- January 25th & February TBD) Time: 9:30 - 10:30 AM (please note these sessions will only be 1 hr.) Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $30 per person/per session…
A Visit to the Potter’s Workshop
Facilitated by Sister Barbara Ann Gondek Fee: $40 per person Lent has traditionally been a time of conversion, of being re-created, of being refashioned. As we prepare for Lent, let…
Lectio Divina | Love, Lent and Lilies Series
Lectio Divina Love, Lent and Lilies Series (Saturdays -- March 1st, March 29th and April 26th) Time: 9:00 - 10:00 AM (please note these sessions will only be 1 hr.)…