Taize Service
Facilitator Joann Caramanico
Meeting God in the Upper Room: Three Moments to Change Your Life.
Sister Barbara Ann Gondek Come, see and experience why the Upper Room is an important sacred space on our faith journey. We will join Jesus and the Twelve. We will sit with them and learn about discipleship in the school of the Upper Room from the Last Supper to Pentecost!
Three Part Series: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
Saturdays, July 13th, Aug. 24th & Sept. 21st Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $35 per person/per session Or pay in advance for all three sessions for $100 Treat yourself this summer to a spiritual renewal as we rest in the presence of God, listening to scripture, psalms, poems and contemplative song. Together we…
Three Part Series: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
Saturdays, July 13th, Aug. 24th & Sept. 21st Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $35 per person/per session Or pay in advance for all three sessions for $100 Treat yourself this summer to a spiritual renewal as we rest in the presence of God, listening to scripture, psalms, poems and contemplative song. Together we…
Three Part Series: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
Saturdays, July 13th, Aug. 24th & Sept. 21st Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $35 per person/per session Or pay in advance for all three sessions for $100 Treat…
The Measure of a Person
Saturday, November 2nd Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM Facilitated by Patricia Stephens Fee: $40 per person " Have you ever wondered if you are pleasing to God? Do you measure…
Holiday Series: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
Saturdays -- November 23rd & December 21st) Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $35 per person/per session We often hear the holiday season referred to as…
Slowing Down to the Speed of Christmas Joy
Facilitated by Sister Dorothy Schwarz, SSD Fee: $40 per person We are all living in a recklessly fast-paced world. From the depths of our hearts, the mantra "Too Busy" is…
Advent Taize – Evening of Prayer
Holiday Series: “Contemplative Prayer with Lectio and Musica Divina”
Saturdays -- November 23rd & December 21st) Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM Facilitated by Fran Tassone Fee: $35 per person/per session We often hear the holiday season referred to as…