Autumn Months

O God of Creation, you have blessed us with the changing of the seasons. As we welcome the autumn months,may the earlier setting of the sunremind us to take time to rest. May the brilliant colors of the leavesremind us of the wonder of your creation. May the steam of our breath in the cool…

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Take time today to reflect with Sister Gerrie Contento

The Easter Season has plunged us into the refreshing waters of multiple mysteries of our faith . . . Eucharist, Priesthood, the Passion, Death and glorious Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. Today, we celebrate Pentecost, which completes the ongoing cycle of God’s unending faithfulness to us, God’s abundant love for us, and God’s delight in…

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Dear Friends of St. Joseph Retreat Center, Loving greetings to each of you. It’s hard to believe that a whole year has passed since Covid 19 caused us to close our Retreat Center. We had hoped to reopen in March, but that is still not possible. We do feel, however that we will be able to…

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