Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

Those of us who are of a certain age remember this feast as Corpus Christi. We had processions around the church, dressed in our white communion dresses and gently scattering flower petals before the Blessed Sacrament which was carried by the priest. It was both a solemn and joyful occasion as we reverenced and respected the Body…

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Note from Sister Gerrie

Dear Family, Friends, and colleagues, Franciscan Brother Richard Hendricks’s poem “LOCKDOWN” offers us a powerful metaphor of the Easter Mystery. His poem creatively fleshes out the details of one of my favorite St. Ignatius of Loyola’s quotes. “Consider this. – God constantly labors in all of creation.” It is difficult to embrace his quote when…

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An update regarding our Reopening Plans

Dear Friends of St. Joseph Retreat Center, I hope and pray that all of you are well as we progress to a somewhat safer stage of Covid 19.Our empty Retreat Center has been missing all of you, and so have I and all the Staff. We think of you often, pray for you and hold…

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Who Does Heaven Welcome

Who Does Heaven Welcome January 19, 2019 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am EST $25.00 Facilitated by John DeLisa “Outside the Church there is no salvation,” was a belief held and taught by the early Church Fathers.  In the 1960’s the Church’s Vatican II Council addressed this question, “What then is the destiny of the millions of Non Christians?” The Council,…

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It is my hope to return. I feel I’ve made the start of friendships I hope to continue.

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I am grateful for what I have learned each time I come here.

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