Spiritual Direction

For those looking for an intimate setting to grow in faith, the St. Joseph Retreat Center offers Spiritual Direction. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your personal relationship with God on an individual basis.

Those interested in Spiritual Direction can meet with one of our certified Spiritual Directors on a monthly basis. The Spiritual Director, or companion, helps the directee focus on their individual experience of God in life and in prayer. It is a quiet, peaceful, and confidential meeting where God communicates with us, challenges us, and loves us exactly as we are.

Spiritual Direction may be a help to you if….
You find yourself wanting a deeper relationship with God.
Your search for God is at a crossroad.
You want to explore new ways to pray or if prayer has become a burden.
You need someone to help you prayerfully discern a call from God or need direction in a difficult situation.
You desire a companion on your spiritual journey.

The director listens and may ask reflective questions, but it is God who communicates through prayer and your attentiveness to His challenges and invitations.

If you feel God may be calling you to this experience, we are happy to accompany you on this spiritual journey.

To request a session with a Spiritual Director, please fill out the form below. If you would like to speak to someone directly, please contact Sister Josita DiVita, FDC, Certified Spiritual Director at 347-416-3100 or josiefdc@aol.com.